Общероссийская общественная организация инвалидов-больных рассеянным склерозом

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Missus Revised



(REGIONAL NEWS) On 23 January 2008, the Samara branch of the All-Russian Society of People with Disabilities (VOI) welcomed representatives of the Samara MS society, the chairmen of VOI district branches and other officials concerned, who came to meet with the heads of the administration of the Samara Urban District. The administration was represented by A.Dorofeev, deputy head of the social protection department, and N.Valentinova, chief manager on the relationships with NGOs.

Among the issues considered, there was one of adopting a programme for 2009-12.

The department for social support and protection at the administration of the Samara Urban District has been developing a project of the municipal target programme for 2009-12, earmarked to fight poverty and improve the quality of life of Samara residents. The programme aims mainly at pursuing an active and effective social policy, which should ensure a decrease in the poverty degree among populations of the Samara Urban District.

The participating organizations were expected to have prepared specific issues to enter into the programme.

Queen’s Christmas Message Отправить на e-mail

Moscow News, #51 2007

(INTERNATIONAL NEWS) Britain's Queen Elizabeth II spoke to the nations of the Commonwealth in a televised Christmas message, urging people to think of the needs of the vulnerable and disadvantaged living on the edge of society.

"For these people, the modern world can seem a distant and hostile place," she said. "It is all too easy to ‘turn a blind eye,' ‘to pass by on the other side,' and leave it to experts and professionals. All the great religious teachings of the world press home the message that everyone has a responsibility to care for the vulnerable."

(for more, go to http://www.mnweekly.ru)

Social Advertisement Competition ‘One World for All’ Отправить на e-mail

Naberezhnye Chelny, 21 December 2007

(REGIONAL NEWS) The competition of social advertisement ‘One World for All’ within the frames of the project ‘Social Integration of the Disabled in the Volga Region Federal District’ (VRFD) was held in VRFD over 10 October 2006 – 1 April 2007. People from all streets of life participated in the competition: societies of disabled people and social institutions, creativity teams of students and retired people, families and friends of people with disabilities; all in all, there were submitted 366 participants’ applications from 13 regions of VRFD.

During half a year, the exhibits were displayed in Samara, Perm, Nizhniy Novgorod, Saratov, Kazan, Naberezhnye Chelny. Visitors of the exhibition chose the works they liked and selected the winners of the nomination ‘Prize of Viewers Favor’.

On 21 December 2007, there was the announcement of results of the competition ‘One World for All’ in Naberezhnye Chelny. Prizes of Viewers favor were awarded by France Koumple, Head of the project ‘Social Integration of the Disabled in the Volga Region Federal District’.

Oleg Ipatov , System Administrator at the Samara Multiple Sclerosis Society, was awarded the Prize of Viewers Favor in the web-technology works nomination.

(for more, go to http://ms.samaradom.ru/newss)

Students’ Assistance for Years in Samara Отправить на e-mail

12 January 2008

 (REGIONAL NEWS) On 12 January 2008, the members of the Samara MS Society (N.Kuznetsova, head of the social group, and A.Protasov, social unit chief) jointly with the staff of the Social Department at the Samara State University (L.Vandysheva) conducted a series of events. People with disabilities, who live alone, had received students’ assistance for years with regard to housecleaning, going shopping on their request and running on errands.

The students normally prepare fascinating performing arts presentations for the parties, thus, enlightening the atmosphere with their high spirits and creativity. This way of getting along has appealed a lot to members of the MS Society, and they really look forward to promoting the cooperation.

Members of the Society were invited to the University on 12 January, where they told the second-year students of the Social Department about the Society activities and the problems people with disabilities have, as well as they answered many a question of the students. This joint work has resulted in the development of a project and the signing of a contract with the Samara State University with reference to cooperation.

(for more, go to http://ms.samaradom.ru/newss)
Charitable Act in Samara Отправить на e-mail

19 January 2008 

(REGIONAL NEWS) On the Holiday of Epiphany, 19 January 2008, the Samara city executive board organized festive dinners within the frames of the municipal charitable act. This event took place in the ‘Diligence’ café in Pervomaiski Spusk Street.

 (for more, go to http://ms.samaradom.ru/newss)

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